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Recitaoin and purport discussion about mantra
Vedic Gurukul
Pellentesque est nulla, faucibus non suscipit sed, accumsan non lectus. Nunc quis gravida erat. Integer ultrices porttitor vulputate. Aliquam mattis lorem eu sem mattis mattis. Aenean condimentum iaculis lectus, a sagittis mauris euismod eget. Nam tincidunt consequat augue adipiscing aliquam. Curabitur aliquam consequat sem, vel pretium lorem aliquam eu. Pellentesque dignissim aliquam molestie. Proin vestibulum. …
Marathon attracts record number of runners
Pellentesque est nulla, faucibus non suscipit sed, accumsan non lectus. Nunc quis gravida erat. Integer ultrices porttitor vulputate. Aliquam mattis lorem eu sem mattis mattis. Aenean condimentum iaculis lectus, a sagittis mauris euismod eget. Nam tincidunt consequat augue adipiscing aliquam. Curabitur aliquam consequat sem, vel pretium lorem aliquam eu. Pellentesque dignissim aliquam molestie. Proin vestibulum. …
Overpopulation Reality Or Myth
Jun 20, CANADA (SUN) — Ever since about age 15, having read “Club of Rome” predictions ( not prophecies!) by cooperating panels of sociologists, biologists, technologists, and other scientific disciplines,who were attempting to create a broad-based predictive program for the future, I have been aware of their mathematical models which all culminate in a predicted collapse …
Bhagvad Gita
[quote style=”1″] The purpose of Bhagavad-gita is to deliver mankind from the nescience of material existence. Every one of us is full of anxieties because of this material existence. Out of so many human beings who are suffering, there are a few who are actually inquiring as to why they are put into this awkward …